We believe it is a natural right of working people to enjoy to the full extent the wealth created by their labor.
We believe that given the state of work in our current world, people must unite to obtain the full reward of their labor.
We believe that working people should exercise their rights cooperatively and economically for the benefit of all people.
Therefore, we, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), pledge ourselves to work for our Members to continue to preserve and grow the IAM on the basis of solidarity and justice, and to strive for a higher standard of living for people who work.

Local 126 was chartered on October 20, 1890 and is one of the oldest Locals of the International Association of Machinist and Aerospace Workers.
There were 19 founding members and the head of the local was called a Grand Master Machinist. The gentleman’s name was Charles W. Fry. Starting in 1919 the title was changed to Business Representative.
The Local’s archives are extensive. We are in possession of the original charter and have handwritten minutes from monthly meetings as early as 1896.
The local has represented workers employed with municipalities’ right from the 1890 with members employed at the City of Chicago or Cook County. Our members were repairing buggies and carriages for the municipalities before the fleets were mechanized around 1920.
Local 126 also was and still is the political leader for the IAMAW in the State of Illinois.
With the Local setting the construction Prevailing Rate for the State of Illinois and taking political action in the State, we are the driving force for the working women, men and the middle class to maintain good wages, benefits, safe working conditions and dignity on the job.
With the generosity of the membership, Local 126 is also a responsible member of the Chicagoland Labor Community with our charitable contributions.
Being fortunate with active members, strong labor ties and a focused leadership, this small Chicago local will stand tall for the next 126 years protecting workers rights as we have for over the last century and a quarter.