IAM Lead Organizer Mike Evans speaks to the media after announcing a union election for North Charleston, SC Boeing workers.
Nearly 3,000 workers at the Boeing South Carolina 787 assembly facilities will soon get their chance to have a voice in the workplace. An NLRB supervised election will take place February 15.
Boeing is using a portion of their $1.63 billion fourth quarter profits to hire a union-busting law firm, so workers at the North Charleston plant are being hit with a barrage of anti-union television, radio and social media ads.
Read a Charleston Post and Courier Q&A with IAM Organizer Mike Evans.
A new Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows union workers make about $800 more per month than non-union workers.
Like the Boeing Workers at South Carolina – BSC Facebook page and let the workers know how being in the IAM has had a positive impact for you and your family.
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