The Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled against working people in Janus v. AFSCME, forcing so-called Right-to-Work laws on public sector workers across the country.
The decision has been painted as a crushing blow to unions—and yes, it will further the power of corporate elites.
But the Machinists Union, and the rest of the labor movement, is fully engaged and ready to fight back for a voice on the job for every working family.
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No court will ever change that.
Posted by Machinists Union on Wednesday, June 27, 2018
“The Janus decision is just the latest tactic of corporations and wealthy donors who want to take away our freedom at work,” said IAM International President Bob Martinez. “The radical right will never defeat a wave of working people joining together for a better life. Union membership is growing and we will continue to organize, mobilize and defeat those who want to destroy unions and silence workers. This is war and working people are going to fight back.”
The Machinists Union is making every resource available to locals and districts with non-federal public-sector workers who are affected by the decision. The IAM’s Legal, Strategic Resources and Communications Departments have been planning for Janus’ aftermath for more than a year. The William W. Winpisinger Center offers classes geared toward internal organizing in right-to-work environments.
The IAM also recently launched a new initiative promote the many benefits available exclusively to Machinists Union members. Benefits include free college, specialty insurance programs and travel and entertainment discounts. Visit to learn more.
The post No Court Can Stop Our Movement appeared first on IAMAW.