IAM Local 2323 Young Machinist Committee held their second annual Charity Night by raising money for the Movember Foundation. From left: Alfonso D’Ambra, Rob Forbes, Dan Janssen and Evangeline Palad. Not pictured: Jessica Janovich.
The IAM Local 2323 Young Machinist Committee hosted their 2nd annual Charity Night, raising nearly $1,000 for the Movember Foundation. The money raised at the Texas Hold’em style poker tournament held last week at the Red Spoon Restaurant in Mississauga, Ontario will go to help prostate cancer awareness, research and promote men’s health projects.
The event featured a Seven-card stud game for all participants, door prizes, DJ music and prizes for the best moustache.
“We were able to accomplish our goal as a Young Machinists Committee,” said IAM Local 2323 Recording Secretary and Young Machinists Committee Member Dan Janssen. “We raised awareness about the union and our young workers committee, brought our members together outside of the workplace and raised money for charity. Mission accomplished!”
“I would like to thank everyone for coming out and supporting a great cause,” said IAM Local 2323 Young Machinists Committee Chairman Evangeline Palad. “I’m very proud of our Young Machinists Committee for hosting such a great event and raising funds to help the fight against prostate cancer.”
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