Jeff Adair

Watch Tonight’s Special Edition of Activate L!VE from the Winpisinger Center

Don’t miss tonight’s Activate L!VE webcast at 7 pm Eastern from the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD. The show will include participation from a live audience of IAM members currently attending classes, and we will hear from WWW Director Chris Wagoner. This is a great opportunity for everyone watching to […]

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IAM Florida Sugar Workers Urge Congress to Reject Anti-Sugar Amendment

IAM Florida Sugar Workers recently sent Democratic members of the House of Representatives a letter urging them to “oppose the Virginia Foxx and Danny Davis anti-sugar farmer and sugar worker amendment.” “This amendment singles out U.S. sugar farmers and would take away their non-recourse loans while leaving those loans in place for 27 other agricultural commodities,

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IAM International President speaks out against GOP tax bill

On Thursday IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. was joined on Capitol Hill by Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi during a news conference aimed at criticizing recent Republican-sponsored tax legislation that encourages outsourcing of American jobs. Mr. Martinez was joined by dozens on of Machinists on stage who are personally impacted by the GOP

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Congresswoman Pelosi stands with Machinists against outsourcing

On Thursday Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi spoke out against recent Republican-sponsored tax legislation that encourages outsourcing of American jobs. Pelosi was joined by dozens of Machinists on stage who are personally impacted by the GOP law, a bill that gives tax breaks to corporations that move production overseas. IAM International President Robert Martinez

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IAM Local Lodge 1751 Ranks Grow with Swissport Workers

Once again, Swissport workers at MontrĂ©al’s Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport have turned to the IAM for union representation. “We organized 250 Swissport ground handlers, ground mechanics, storekeepers, operations officers, and communications coordinator in March,” explained IAM Grand Lodge Representative Michel Richer. This group wanted the same benefits as their co-workers, that being better working

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