
North Dakota Local 2525 Members Ratify Rugby Contract

IAM Local 2525 Bargaining Committee members, left to right, Jamie Allard, IAM District 5 Directing Business Representative Dennis Mendenhall, Maynard Hall and Jaiden Creary negotiated a new three-year contract for IAM members at Rugby Manufacturing in Rugby, ND. Members of IAM Local 2525 have ratified a new agreement with Rugby Manufacturing in Rugby, ND.  

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Be the Process: Come to the IAM Legislative Conference

Join hundreds of IAM members May 8-10, 2017 in Washington, DC to lobby for policies that actually benefit the workers in our country and not the corporations. As part of the 2017 IAM Legislative Conference, Fighting Machinists from across the United States will be hitting Capitol Hill to remind their elected representatives of who they

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IAM Welcomes U.S. Withdrawal from TPP and Plans to Renegotiate NAFTA

President Trump formally withdrew the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and announced plans to renegotiate NAFTA, two trade deals with dire consequences for working people. What his administration does next is the real question. The IAM, and a strong coalition of labor and other groups that successfully blocked the TPP last year, have laid

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South Carolina Boeing Workers to Vote on IAM Representation

Boeing workers who build the 787 Dreamliner in North Charleston, SC will have the chance to vote to join the IAM. The IAM filed a petition on January 20, with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to hold a secret-ballot union election for approximately 2,850 production employees at the Boeing Co. in North Charleston, S.C.

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